We would like to thank you very much for continuously entrusting us with the handling of your patents and/or trademarks in Japan. We greatly enjoy working on your cases.
In the year 2019, which was the third fiscal year of Allegro IP Law Firm, we continued to stabilize and develop our firm. We actively met and talked with overseas applicants, associates, and university students to discuss Japanese patent matters and gave presentations at the AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Law Association) Pre-Meeting, the MIPLA seminar, and the University of Michigan Law School as a delegate of the international activities center of the JPAA (Japan Patent Attorneys Association). Also, one of our partners is listed as a Mediator, Arbitrator & Panelists candidate at the JIPAC (Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center). We endeavor to continuously support the most advanced companies, universities, and individuals across the world in obtaining strong and valuable IP protection in Japan.
We will offer you our best services also in the year of 2020, and look forward to doing business with you for years to come.

Restriction of Multiple-Multiple Dependent Claims [Update on March 9, 2025]
Overview: For application

Who should sign a Power of Attorney document to be submitted to the Japan Patent Office?
Signatory of Power of Att