Trends in Japanese patent & trademark applications – JPO Annual Report 2021

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Trends in numbers of Japanese patent & trademark applications – Annual Report 2021 released by the Japan Patent Office (JPO):

  1. Japanese domestic patent applications;
  2. PCT international applications;
  3. Japanese domestic trademark applications; and
  4. Madrid Protocol international applciations.

1) Trends in numbers of Japanese patent applications and PCT applications

The number of Japanese patent applications filed with the JPO surpassed 300,000 over the past decade, but in 2020, the number decreased to 288,472. 



It should be noted that the number of PCT international applications filed before the Japan Patent Office as the WIPO receiving office was consistently on the rise till 2019, but in 2020, 49,314 PCT applications were filed, which shows 4.5% decrease. 



2) Trends in numbers of Japanese trademark applications and international trademark applications

In 2020, 181,072 trademark applications were filed in Japan in total, and among that, 163,148 were domestic trademark applications and 17,924 were international applications under Madrid Protocol. The number of Japanese trademark applications excluding international applications had been consistently increasing, but it slightly decreased in 2020.


In 2020, the number of international applications filed before the Japan Patent Office as the office of origin under the Madrid Protocol is 3,033, which shows slight decrease. 


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